Magazine mosaic

Magazines! If you can find an old magazine lying around the house, the possibilities for creativity are endless. Some of the ideas are so simple that it almost doesn’t seem worth writing a blog post about them. But the results of this one are so beautiful (the fish above was made by a six year-old) that I decided to include it. If nothing else, hopefully the pictures will inspire some creativity…

  1. Draw the outline of the shapes you want on to a blank sheet of paper.

2. Look through the magazine to find large sections of colour and then tear these sections into small pieces. I find that the areas with text or pattern add to the texture of the final picture so it doesn’t need to be plain coloured sections only.

3. Place glue (a glue stick works best) over the section of the picture you would like to start with. Stick the magazine pieces over the glued section, overlapping the edges so that there are no white spaces in-between. I like to play with colour gradients by moving gradually between darker and lighter shades or between adjoining colours on the colour wheel (e.g. yellow to orange to red).

4. Don’t aim for perfect, aim for character!

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